Alice Lang Originals (2015 - ongoing)

Alice Lang Originals is an ongoing series of interconnecting boob and butt mugs made from a scaled down 3D body scan of the artist Alice Lang.  Each mug is cast in doll porcelain and hand painted to render an atomically correct replication of the artists body, complete with nipples, freckles, moles and current pubic hair. 

Part art object, part design object, part artist merch, these vessels are modeled off novelty boob mugs which present a distillation of the objectified female body. This anatomically correct rendering of my own body seeks to subvert the symbolic value of the original objects through presenting a specific body rather than a cartoonish one.

Unlike conventional boob mugs, they don’t have a handle, which forces the user to cup or grope them in order to use them. This action is intended to instigate mindful social interaction with the object by making the user playfully complicit in the objectification, dissemination and consumption of anonymous women’s bodies. This interaction seeks to examine the female body as the site of objectification and explore how women can enact ownership and agency over their own body within this complicated context.

This is an ongoing project where the mugs will be updated with a new body scan every 10 years for the duration of the artists life. Editions made at 30 and 40 years old are currently available.